Friday, April 18, 2008

A day with the old girls!

Hello my sisters!
Yesterday I drove my 84 year old friend Vera to see her sister Gladys (age 88) in a neighboring countryside. Another sister Doris (age 86) was there for a little while getting her hair rolled by Gladys. There is one more sister (Retha) that lives an hour away who is 90?. Now, Gladys is about 5 ft. but has a twisted spine so that her right shoulder almost meets her right hip causing a swagger when she walks and reduces her height to 4ft. 5 in. But that old girl (she has had 2 would never know it) still does her own garden, cans ALL her own produce from that garden, cleans house, drives and put on one hell of a good dinner for us we visited! All the sisters still live in their own homes, drive their own cars and refuse to be helped by anyone....they are firmly independent. Listening to their stories of their farm life as children, all the things they could do, their strong belief in God and family made that afternoon a very humbling experience for me. I reflected on my own siblings and our lives together and away from each other and I realized how similar we all are even tho a generation separates the old girls from us. They love each other fiercely and always want to be together when ever they can. There are squabbles among them and certain sisters favor the company of another sister but they all celebrate the times they are ALL together! I was amazed at how much in common I felt I had with these seasoned women and how very grateful I felt for my own four siblings. Every day we watch ourselves get older but our love for each other is always there and always strong. It will see us through many sad times in the future.
I love you all, Rose

Friday, April 4, 2008

My grandchildren!

Hello sisters!
Just a quick note to let you know the results of the Michigan talent/acedemic search. Both boys were well above their age/grade levels in the MEAPS test but blew us out of the water with the big MATTS test!! This test is geared at 8th. grade level subjects. Nathan scored at 7-8 th grade level work in Math and Science and Logan scored 6-7th grade level. Olivia is doing very well but struggles with spelling a little and not a whiz at Math like her brothers. We went to parent teachers conference last night and all three teachers were very proud and complimentary towards the children. Nathans teacher is recommending he get bumped up to a 6th grade Math class next year...she thinks he needs the challenge. Logan's teacher says she wishes she had 25 of Logan in her classroom so we were pleased. These tests will remain in their school files all thru their education. Will be tested again next year.
Nathan starts soccer again next week...he has been to two professional soccer games in Detroit with his mom compliments of the owner of the team. They got the VIP treatment both times complete with autographs in the locker room. Nathan loved it! Christy has Olivia signed up for a summer art program at U of M this summer and we hope to get Logan into a swim program of some kind. The kids are fine...healthy and happy. I am very, very proud of them. They are coming here to spend the week next week...its their spring break! We will begin our rail trail training then....want to eventually make 15 miles this summer. Got some camping trips planned with them too. Should be fun. Have a happy, safe summer and keep in touch.
I love you all,